• finance,  investing,  Trading

    Technical analysis in Stock Market (The Ultimate Guide)

    In the fast-paced world of the stock market, investors are constantly seeking opportunities to maximize their returns. While there are various strategies and approaches to stock investing, one technique that has gained significant popularity and proven its worth over time is technical analysis. Technical analysis involves analyzing past market data, primarily price and volume, to predict future price movements. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of technical analysis and explore its critical role in picking stocks for higher returns during investing. Understanding Technical Analysis What is Technical Analysis? Technical analysis is a method used by investors and traders to make decisions based on historical price and…

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  • finance,  stock market

    Is Stock Market really a scary place? (to invest)

    Ever wondered why many people think of the stock market as a scary place? This is the question that I’ve tried to peruse many a time. During my graduation days and early career phase, many of my relatives, friends aren’t aware of the stock market as an investment option at all. Whoever knew about it, had shown aversion towards. And that list also includes me. Even today there are many who come under such categories and who knows, they too might’ve got the same question within their minds. The general perception – Stock Market There are varied reasons for this, and some of them are also valid. When it comes…

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